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Nada AI

Nada-AI is a Python library designed for AI/ML on top of Nada DSL and Nillion Network.

To learn more about the library, check out the full Nada-AI docs here.


If you are looking for Nillion AIVM, to run secure inference platform for Deep Learning models, visit here.

Nada is for building on top of Nada DSL and Nillion Network.


Nada AI Limitations

The choice for blind computing implies certain trade-offs in comparison to conventional computing. What you gain in privacy, you pay in extra computational overhead & capacity constraints.

Therefore, you will notice that large-scale computational workloads may lead to long compilation and/or execution times or hitting network capacity guardrails. Each example lists model limitations or the number of input elements it has been tested with.

That said, the Nillion team is working around the clock to push the boundaries of this technology and bring the potential of blind computing to reality. 🚀
