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Start Building

Start building on Nillion with one of our developer quickstart guides.

Write a Nada Program

The Nada Quickstart will teach you how to create a Nada project and write your first privacy-preserving Nada program. The Nada by Example Portal is an introduction to Nada with lots of example programs for your reference.

Build a Blind App

This Blind App Quickstart is ideal for developers interested in building frontends or fullstack web apps on Nillion. This quickstart will guide you through writing a Nada program, storing the program on the Nillion Network, and creating a blind web app lets you store secrets and run your Nada program in the browser.

Connect a backend to Nillion

If you want to connect a backend to Nillion, check out the Nillion Python Quickstart.

Write a privacy-preserving Blind AI Nada program

To write privacy-preserving AI programs, check out our Nada AI examples, tutorials, and Google Colab links.
